Gaming conventions: It’s not all roses, or is it?

Disclaimer: This DevLog is intended to help anyone, who is in a similar situation we are in at the moment. Everyone has to make their own decisions. This merely is our own honest view and opinion, based on our experience. We would love to hear from you, what you think about it all. We wish you all the success and fun you deserve with the development and release of your game! eXplore Studio

Gaming conventions, large or small, wherever they are held in the world, seem to attract more and more visitors every year. Committed to sharing values of diversity and inclusion, and providing a safe environment for all attendees to enjoy what they love, they have become the place where video game lovers meet like-minded people. Young and not so young people, students, developers, cosplay lovers, retro-game players, members of the press, publishers, businesspersons, sponsors, government agencies and more, all are excited to attend these annual events. There is always something for everyone to appreciate.

For solo creators or small studios developing one or two indie games, visiting a worldwide renowned gaming convention is an opportunity to discover new games, meet other developers, start building precious relationships, and feel part of this incredible community. What a great feeling to meet in person the developers you only know from a given social media platform or to play a soon to be released demo! It’s definitely the perfect time to learn not only about games but also about technical aspects of the games or anything else the developers are ready to share. A unique experience.

Unfortunately, one can feel rapidly overwhelmed, with most senses simultaneously over-stimulated. The place is loud with so many people chatting and buzzing around us, our eyes are drawn to eye-catching posters and screens, our hands crave for keyboard or controller time. Fatigue and mental exhaustion are building up slowly and at the same time, our mind is racing, neurons are firing away at full speed, playing, analysing, comparing, and… this is where the rabbit hole lies. A sense of feeling inadequate starts creeping in and we may start asking ourselves all sorts of questions about our abilities and chances to be successful in this sea of great games...

This is the turning point, the crucial moment when it is essential to remember that, when the games are presented to the public, not much is visible about the real number of developers behind the scenes, their struggles are not revealed, and their resources are not disclosed. A mere glimpse of the games is given during these conventions, and these incredible achievements have to be celebrated of course! Yet, comparing our journey to others may not necessarily be healthy. Instead, we should take a trip down memory lane and recall how far our own game has come already. Let’s acknowledge its uniqueness and be proud!


So, game developers, during your next visit to a gaming convention, allow yourselves to be taken in by the surroundings, enjoy and praise other games, learn about other people’s experiences, let inspiration fill your mind, and savour the moment. It can be only roses after all.


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