Feeling overwhelmed: acknowledge the symptoms and implement strategies to get through it.

Disclaimer: This DevLog is intended to help anyone, who is in a similar situation we are in at the moment. Everyone has to make their own decisions. This merely is our own honest view and opinion, based on our experience. We would love to hear from you, what you think about it all. We wish you all the success and fun you deserve with the development and release of your game! eXplore Studio

Do you feel like you have an over busy schedule with no time to breathe? Do you feel like you have too many tasks to complete, and you do not know where to start or even if you want to start any of them? Do you feel unable to make decisions and inadequate in your role? Are you being caught up in a maze of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, incapable of finding the exit? These are definitely some of the signs that you are feeling overwhelmed. Every so often, you might even experience rapid and frequent mood changes, or you may struggle to think rationally, having difficulties to concentrate and solve problems. In addition, feeling overwhelmed can affect your body, and you start having some physical symptoms as well, from rapid heartbeat to dizziness, or fatigue for example. At times though, when body and mind respond to daily stress, you may find yourself energised and more productive. Yet, feeling constantly overwhelmed is not healthy for both your mental and physical health, so you need first to acknowledge your feelings in order for some coping strategies to support you go through this challenging time.

Depending on the situation you find yourself in, there are different approaches you can implement. You need to choose one you feel comfortable with and trust the process. Indeed, it might not be easy at first, but you will probably start seeing some benefits quite rapidly. The initial step is to put an end to the vicious cycle you are engulfed in and to get some perspective on the situation. You may want to take a break, go out for a walk, do something completely different or talk to a trusted person who, with a fresh eye, can provide you with some insightful advice and a brand-new attitude to adopt. If you choose to take a break, you can try some mindfulness exercises like the 5-4-3-2-1 exercise. It uses your senses to connect you to your environment and helps you get out of the chaos in your mind. For instance, once you have found a place you like, seek out 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch or feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste. This exercise will distract your mind from the overwhelming thoughts and will help you calm down so that you have the capability to reassess the situation from a new perspective. Moreover, you always have the possibility to meet with a professional therapist if your situation is really bad, who will give you additional support to overcome your struggles.

If you find yourself in a delicate position, feel overwhelmed and have difficulties to see a way out, you do not have to be ashamed of it. Indeed, before coming back to the situation once you feel better, you need to get some perspective on it by taking a break and talking to a trusted person. You need to express and share how the situation makes you feel. That is often half the battle won!

Take care, you are worth it and precious!


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