What do you want success to look like in 2024?

Disclaimer: This DevLog is intended to help anyone, who is in a similar situation we are in at the moment. Everyone has to make their own decisions. This merely is our own honest view and opinion, based on our experience. We would love to hear from you, what you think about it all. We wish you all the success and fun you deserve with the development and release of your game! eXplore Studio

Success is defined as follow: ‘The achieving of the results wanted or hoped for’* or ‘The achievement of something that you have been trying to do’**.  Depending on the sources you are using, there might be some slight nuances but overall, the main consensus is this acknowledgment of accomplishment and fulfilment you get when you are successful. You may have noticed as well that the definitions do not refer to any unit of measure to quantify success. Indeed, success can only be measured by the value you feel it has. Certainly, success can be very different depending on who you are, what your aspirations are, and so many other personal or external factors… For some, success would be to double their financial benefits from the previous year; for others, success would be to ensure that everyone in the team has enough to provide food and shelter for their families. Some will work on to growing their followers on social media while others will focus their time and energy on completing a game they want to release by the end of the year. Coders might want to learn a new coding language and 3D modellers may wish to master specific modelling tools available on the market.

Success is what you decide it to be, yet you have to put some (or rather a lot of) work into it and you also need to be aware that you might not be successful overnight. You have to find the courage to start and harness the necessary energy while you implement small steps to create a chain reaction to achieve your goals. Nevertheless, as the year goes by, your priorities might change, or you might find yourself in a completely different situation. You will then have to redesign your yearly aspirations and what you want success to look like at the end of the year. Make sure you don’t stick rigidly to one path. Instead, reassess, adjust, or implement the 12 Agile Principles, and choose what is right and best for you, your company, your team, your game, and your followers.

May 2024 be a very successful year for you! With our best wishes!




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