Define our 2024 goals. Ask ourselves the right questions.

Disclaimer: This DevLog is intended to help anyone, who is in a similar situation we are in at the moment. Everyone has to make their own decisions. This merely is our own honest view and opinion, based on our experience. We would love to hear from you, what you think about it all. We wish you all the success and fun you deserve with the development and release of your game! eXplore Studio

When the new year comes, we often find ourselves under tremendous pressure to set up new goals for the months ahead. Therefore, in order to act in accordance with the current trends on television or social media, and peer-pressure, we rush, make swift decisions, just to realise, unfortunately, a few weeks later that our plans are heading straight to a dead end. For this reason, let us rewind and set up our goals differently.

Beyond doubt, it is crucial to first reflect on the events of the previous year and how they made us feel and make us feel now thinking back about them. When we recall a specific moment, a particular time, a success, the highs and the lows, we are confronted with a wide range of emotions, and these are the feelings we want to scrutinise. If we want to go deeper in our thoughts, we might want to try to explain why some events stood out for us and why we have vivid memories of them. Furthermore, there is the possibility to go deeper in our thorough evaluation by looking at different categories that suit our needs (work, family, friends, health, physical activities, finance, diet…). We truly need to pause and consider our observations and serious reflections about our past to give new meanings to our future. In other words, we need to acknowledge our past and learn from it as a means to set up significant and achievable plans for the upcoming months and beyond.

Once the above phase is complete, we can confidently progress to define our goals. Goals are desired outcomes that will happen only if we do something to reach them. As a matter of fact, working towards our goals will take time, resources, and energy so we might want to be extremely cautious when we choose them. How many goals do we outline? One? Two? More? One goal per category? There are also some more specific questions that we need to consider about our goals. Why these goals? Why these goals now? What is exciting about these goals? What is stressful about these goals? Have we got what it takes to reach these goals? Have we got the means to measure our progress towards our goals? How will we know we have reached our goals? If we have the ability to answer these questions regarding the goals we want to achieve, then we have all the chances to be successful. Yet, as the year progresses, some personal or external factors might materialise, and we will find ourselves redesigning our goals and that is totally normal!

It takes time, energy, and courage to set up some goals whether they are goals we want to achieve in a year’s time or lifelong goals. We have the tools to create what we want. Let’s go for it! 🌟


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