The benefits of having a strong support system

Disclaimer: This DevLog is intended to help anyone, who is in a similar situation we are in at the moment. Everyone has to make their own decisions. This merely is our own honest view and opinion, based on our experience. We would love to hear from you, what you think about it all. We wish you all the success and fun you deserve with the development and release of your game! eXplore Studio

We all need to be surrounded, appreciated, and supported by a strong support system, be it family, friends, online friends, colleagues, neighbours, therapists… who are here for us in good and in overwhelming times. When our support system includes comforting, inspiring and trustworthy people ready to encourage and motivate us to get the best out of ourselves, it is more likely that we will keep mentally and emotionally healthy.  But how do we get there?

Without realising, we probably all have a support system already in place, small or large in number, yet consisting of reliable people, and it is necessary that we nurture these relationships. Indeed, even if a support system is here for us, we still need to do some work to make sure that it is not a one-way relationship. And it does not have to be complicated: a phone call, a text message, an e-mail, or a little time now and then will definitely demonstrate that we care and appreciate the people in our support system. Moreover, within the needs, boundaries, and limits of everyone in the support system, we have to foster open and honest communication so that we can be vulnerable in troubled times and be open to confidently receive all the support we need. Unfortunately, sometimes, we recognise that a relationship is not working and has become more a problem than a solution. So, despite the stress and the emotions that go with ending it, we have to let this relationship draw to a close to protect ourselves and our well-being.

And such cases the cycle continues, it is time to meet new people and enlarge our support system. For some of us, who are more introvert or could become extremely emotional in social situations, putting ourselves out feels very daunting. Yet, depending on our skills and talents, we can actually turn these stressful moments into pleasant times. For instance, we can choose to volunteer for a cause we have at heart, which is definitely a great way to be in contact with people who share the same interests and values. If we are more into sports, we can join a gym or take up a new physical activity within a club. There are also other opportunities like meeting neighbours, co-workers, starting a new hobby and joining professional or amateur organisations. Whatever we choose to do, we need to remember, that those in our support system should help us reduce stress, not increase it. They should support our goals and efforts to achieve them, not undermine or ignore them.

As a matter of fact, the benefits of having a robust support system around us are undeniable. Research even shows that people, who are well surrounded and supported, show better health and well-being. Of course, this should not come as a surprise: friends and loved ones can make us more resilient in overwhelming times and have a talent to make the good times even better. In addition, some friends can even help us identify when we are stressed or distressed — in some cases, they may notice it before we do or are ready to acknowledge it. There are also many practical benefits to having supportive relationships, such as knowing people who can provide us with information, advice, guidance, and also tangible support, such as assistance in times of uncertainty. This feature of social support can be comforting and enhance our feelings of security. Finally, supportive relationships can also strengthen us emotionally when we are feeling down or overwhelmed. Friends and loved ones take time to listen to our fears, hopes, and dreams, and make us feel seen and understood. They can help us think through alternatives and solve problems, and they can distract from our worries when that is what is really needed. In doing all this they provide encouragement, lower our stress levels, and reduce feelings of loneliness.

We need to take care of ourselves and build trustworthy relationships with people we wish to have in our lives for when we have a strong support system, we are stronger ourselves. It may take time to build up our ideal support system, but once we do, we keep it going and we may have a support system for life. 🌟


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